Sunday, June 17, 2018

Comic Haul 6/9 - Superman Celebration 2018

Two Saturdays ago I attended the Superman Celebration in Metropolis, IL. That's right, two Saturdays ago. This comic haul feature is unfortunately going up a bit late. I got some good things, though!

This was the second time I have attended the Superman Celebration in Metropolis, IL. I didn't have as much invested in it this year as I did last year because, if you'll recall, Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti were there. This year the biggest draw was Alex Saviuk, who I intended on having sign one of my Web of Spider-Man comics, but the line was too long and he appeared to be doing sketches for people, so I didn't attempt to get his signature.

This year I did not attend with my good friend Dan Brown [Twitter | Blog] because he was actually working the comic convention part of the show along with Mike Noe from Campus Comics. I did, however, attend with my friend Trenton who I met at Campus Comics. I was mainly interested in the comic convention part of the celebration so I could pick up some nice books and try to find some more boxed Toy Biz Marvel Super Heroes action figures.

So let's take a look at what I came home with!

First up is this, which is kind of a holy grail to me. This is a comic that I never thought I would own, but I saw it right when I walked into the convention and had to have it. It was being sold by my friend Scott Reed of Burg Comics [Facebook | Website], and he even had three copies of it so I could pick out the one I liked best. If you don't know, this is the first appearance of Carol Danvers, who is currently Captain Marvel.

Now that I own this, I own the first appearance of Carol Danvers, the first appearance of Ms. Marvel in her red outfit, the first appearance of Ms. Marvel in her modified red outfit, the first appearance of Ms. Marvel in her black outfit, the first appearance of Binary, the first appearance of Warbird, and the first appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel.

At another booth at the con I picked up these two issues of Avengers. The one on the right is part one of the return of Jean Grey that I mentioned in my last haul article. The only thing left for this is to get the first issue of X-Factor and it will complete the set. Good thing it doesn't cost much.

Last year at the convention I saw some of the Toy Biz Marvel Super Heroes action figures. These are basically the first comic figures I got when I first got into comics. I did have some of the Secret Wars figures before that, but the Toy Biz figures were the ones I loved more than anything.

I picked up these four figures. The Punisher and Daredevil were some of the earliest figures I had, with Punisher being in the initial four I was given for Christmas in 1990. I talked about that a bit in this article. There were many more figures there that I needed, but... money. I hope to find more at the ToyMan Show next month.

I'm leaving the old price tags on them because that adds to the nostalgia.

After leaving the Superman Celebration we headed to Crash Comics in Paducah, KY. This is a very good shop and I recommend it to anyone visiting the area.

The first thing I picked up was this Catwoman comic. Last year I bought 13 Catwoman comics from the store, so I went back for more but it was pretty much wiped out other than this one book. There were a few more from later in the run, but I didn't want to have the first 15 or so issues and then jump ahead to the 60s.

Near those I picked up this issue of Detective Comics. I believe this is the first appearance of the Jean-Paul Valley Batsuit*. This isn't the first appearance of him as Batman, but from what I've read this is the first appearance of the suit. It's convoluted and I can't seem to find anything concrete on it, but I bought it anyway just in case.

The cover art is pretty, uh... bad.

*I've been told it's not by someone I consider to the the authority on Batman, so... guess I just have this now!

Then I lucked into this. This is the first in-comic appearance of Gwenpool. She was on a variant cover to Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2, but from what I've seen, this is her first appearance in a comic. I guess I should get that first cover appearance, too. It's not cheap, though. Seems like everyone who had one had it CGC graded, and I'm not interested in having a graded copy. That always makes it more expensive, too.

This is the first appearance of the Red Hulk. I decided that since the majority of the first appearances I need now are big money books that I should try to get some of the low tier ones. This is one of those books. I don't really have a whole lot to say about it! I don't know much about Red Hulk.

Found this under one of the tables. This is like the one I talked about in the last comic haul article. It has holographic lettering and a fold-out cover with a huge hologram logo inside. It's that 90s nostalgia, so I picked it up.

I haven't really found a lot of hologram or foil covers lately. I kind of don't know where to look at this point. I wish there was a website that just showed gimmick covers from the 90s and I could go from there. Maybe there is.

Speaking of gimmick covers, I also found this lenticular Mighty Captain Marvel comic. I really like these lenticular covers and I try to buy them whenever I encounter them. I only have a few. It's just icing on the cake that it's a Captain Marvel book.

These books were super hard to come by in my area, but they seem to be readily available online for very little. You'd think they'd cost a fortune considering how uncommon they are. I don't think they're too popular, though.

I was digging through one of the boxes and found this Harley Quinn #25 Neil Adams variant cover. I had seen this art before on a big poster when I visited one of my friends in Indianapolis last year, but I had never seen the actual comic it came from. It was only $5, which I thought was a great deal. It would have probably cost more than that if I had bought it online.

Finally, I found this Frank Cho Wonder Woman variant cover. I guess I'll get all these now! Fortunately there are only five more of them and they don't cost more than $3 each, so that should be an easy set to build. Unlike the Harley Quinn covers which took a lot longer to complete than I was expecting.

I guess I shouldn't say finally because I'm going to keep going. The following are some books I got in the mail from an online purchase a day or so after getting back from the celebration.

This is the first appearance of Shanna the She-Devil. This was a very affordable key issue (as key as the first appearance of Shanna can be, at least) so I thought it would be a good addition to my collection. I know nothing about this character. I just thought I should have this comic because...

...I also bought the entire seven issue run of Frank Cho's Shanna the She-Devil series. These were also super cheap, and it's Frank Cho art, so I added it to the collection. In fact, almost everything I'm getting ready to post is Frank Cho, so get ready.

I mentioned earlier that I got the first appearance of Red Hulk. Well, first in the line-up is a Frank Cho variant cover to Hulk #7, the second comic is the first cameo appearance of Red She-Hulk, and the third comic is the first full appearance of Red-She-Hulk. If you're going to have the first Red Hulk, then you might as well have the first Red She-Hulk to go along with it.

Then I also grabbed this issue of Guardians of the Galaxy with Frank Cho art of Gamora. I literally can't think of anything else to say about this.

I'm getting tired of talking about Frank Cho. Well, here's another Frank Cho variant cover to Masquerade. According to the back cover of the comic, 25% of the copies comic shops ordered of this book were this cover.

Apparently, and I didn't know this until literally just now, this character is named Miss Masque and she's from 1946. I had no idea the character had been around for so long.

Finally, for real this time, I bought the remaining issues of Mighty Avengers I needed that I bought at the beginning of the month.

And that was my haul from the Superman Celebration and Crash Comics! I had a good time and I'm looking forward to next year. There are only two events left this year before the summer convention season comes to a close, so that's a little sad.

I should say that this will be the last comic haul article for a while. In two weeks I will be unemployed, so the money I get between now and then will be put aside because I'm not sure how long it will be before I find work. Probably don't need to spend $3 here and $5 there on comics, you know. I'll still post things when I can, just not hauls.

Until then, guys.

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