Thursday, July 5, 2018

Facebook Top 10 All-Time Album Challenge

There's been a post going around on Facebook lately where you post your top 10 favorite albums of all time. I was challenged by a friend of mine to do this, so I thought I'd post it here as well.

Arrested Development - 3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life of...
Maybe the most unexpected one on my list. I got into this group when their song Tennessee came out. It was one of the first cassette tapes I had and I got it along with a Red Hot Chili Peppers greatest hits album. I remember laying in bed at night listening to this tape with headphones on and just really enjoying it. This album might be the reason why I enjoy late 80s, early 90s hip hop so much. This album also really reminds me of Final Fantasy 2 because I was listening to this a lot around the time it was released.
Favorite Song: U

Daft Punk - Discovery
This entire album takes me back to the early days of working at Toys "R" Us. Some nights we would be there very late and we would take the phone off the hook and use the intercom to play music through the store. This album was one of the albums we frequently listened to, and it just brings up memories from the days when the store was thriving and I worked with all my friends.
Favorite Song: Face to Face

Duran Duran - Wedding Album
I got into Duran Duran back in Jr. High when I heard their song White Lines. I had previously heard a song of theirs called Come Undone on Beavis & Butthead that I liked a lot, so I got the album that Come Undone was on (this one) as well as Rio, which my mom recommended because it had Hungry Like the Wolf on it. This album makes me think of spending summers at my grandparents' house with my friend Brett Elston [Twitter]. We almost always had a Duran Duran album on in the background.
Favorite Song: None of the Above

Green Day - Dookie
This is the album that got me into Green Day. Everyone had this album, and everyone loved this album. While I do still enjoy Green Day, the early stuff is still the stuff I enjoy the most. Like the Duran Duran album before it, this album reminds me of being at my grandparents' house. It also just takes me back to hanging out at my friend Matt Speroni's [Twitter] house and staying up all night playing video games. Honestly, better times.
Favorite Song: When I Come Around

KMFDM - Nihil
Of course this is going to be on here. This was the first one I thought of when I started writing this list. In the summer of 1995 the Mortal Kombat movie soundtrack was released, and it changed my taste in music completely. Using it as a starting point, I began buying albums from the bands on it I liked. KMFDM was one of them, and this was their newest album at the time and it had the song I liked from the soundtrack on it. Since then, I have bought every single CD of theirs that's available, including every single, every variant, and every remaster.
Favorite Song: Disobedience

Live - Throwing Copper
This one almost didn't make the cut, but I can't ignore it. I'll have to remove something else to make room for it. This album was always in rotation back around the time it was released. I know my friends and I were really into it, and I still find myself listening to it to this day. In school we had to do a report on a song we like and what we think it means. I chose a song from this album to give my report on, but since I really don't really pay much attention to what songs are about, I kind of just talked about it on a surface level. A+
Favorite Song: White, Discussion

Moby - Play
I've liked Moby for a while. I first heard about Moby from my friend Matt Hackett [Twitter | Website] who had Moby's first self-titled album on cassette. From there I bought that album and everything else Moby I could get my hands on. Around that time, Moby released this album. It's a fantastic album and features many different styles of music. Play is probably Moby's most famous work, and for good reason. Chances are if you've heard a Moby song it came from this album.
Favorite Song: Porcelain
The Postal Service - Give Up
The Postal Service is a band I highly, highly enjoy. For whatever reason, I don't really care for Death Cab for Cutie, though. The lead singer for Death Cab is one of the two guys in Postal Service, if you didn't know. Anyway, this CD is an incredibly peaceful experience from start to finish, and it reminds me of the time when I started branching out and getting into different styles of music. For a while, I was strictly into groups like KMFDM, Rammstein, Gravity Kills, etc. but in the early 2000s I started listening to other things. This album is one of the discoveries from that era.
Favorite Song: Clark Gable

R.E.M. - Out of Time
Nostalgia. Better times. This album encapsulates so many memories of being a kid. My mom is actually the one who got into R.E.M. first after hearing Losing My Religion. Any time I would get in the car with her she would be listening to an R.E.M. album, and it all started with this one. There are other R.E.M. albums I find equally as good as this one (Document, Green) but Out of Time just has too many memories tied to it. One specific memory is the song Half a World Away playing as we entered the nearby town of Carbondale at sunset on the way to Wal-Mart in search of Monster in My Pocket figures.
Favorite Song: Half a World Away

Soul Coughing - Irresistible Bliss
This is not the first Soul Coughing album I ever heard, but it has the highest amount of songs on it I love. I first heard Rolling and Circles from their album El Oso while watching Cartoon Network. I loved the songs so much I went out and found the album they were on at a used record store and I was blown away by it. Eventually I got online and ordered their other two albums, and this one was somehow even better. I typically listen to Soul Coughing as a bunch of Mp3s in a folder and not as albums, but this one has most of my favorites on it.
Favorite Song: Lazybones

And those are my top 10! Since this was so difficult for me to do, here are 15 additional albums that either almost made the cut or I just enjoy them a lot. I should note that just because an album is on here doesn't mean I like it better than every other album by the above artists. Through this whole list I chose to only include one album per artist.

Starting in the top left and working right:

1) 2 Unlimited - Real Things
2) AFI - Decemberunderground
3) Beck - Odelay
4) The Bravery (Self-Titled)
5) De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising
6) Fall Out Boy - Folie à Deux
7) Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
8) Interpol - Turn On the Bright Lights
9) Kaiser Chiefs - Off With Their Heads
10) Mindless Self Indulgence - If
11) The Offspring - Smash
12) Portishead - Dummy
13) The Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
14) Tommy Guerrero - A Little Bit of Somethin'
15) Weezer (Blue Album)

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