Monday, January 14, 2019

The Best YouTube Channel You Might Not Be Watching

Today I'm going to tell you a little bit about my current favorite YouTube channel. It's called Classic Gaming Quarterly, and if you're here, then I think you would really enjoy this channel and its incredible content. Let's take a look!

The night I found CGQ.
So, I wrote a little blurb about Classic Gaming Quarterly back in my Favorite YouTube Channels article about a year ago. Since writing that, the channel has quickly become my absolute favorite, surpassing my previous two favorite game channels Game Sack and Happy Console Gamer. There's a quality to the videos that you just don't get with many other channels.

The show is created and hosted by a talented and humble man named Chris Alaimo. It's very apparent that Chris puts a lot of work into the videos he creates, and he continues to impress me with each new piece he uploads. I'm sure it can be frustrating and overwhelming at times to consistently create high quality content like he does, but he continues to hit home run after home run regardless.

Today I'm going to tell you a brief bit about the channels and what you can find on them. That's right, channels. There are two of them: Classic Gaming Quarterly and CGQ+. If they sound interesting, I definitely suggest checking out his work and subscribing. You won't be let down, I assure you.


Console Launch Videos
Chris discusses the launch of the Nintendo 64.
If someone were looking for extremely well done videos about the launch of several game consoles throughout the years, this is where I would direct them. The amount of work put into these videos is out of this world. You can really tell Chris does his research before getting in front of the mic.

Console launch videos from other YouTubers can come off sounding like a sloppy high school book report, whereas console launch videos from Classic Gaming Quarterly are like a laser focused college thesis. A+. Would watch again.

Retrogaming Retrospective Videos
A retrospective about the Streets of Rage series.
These videos are features about specific games or moments in time. Definitely check out his video about the Super Nintendo in 1991 for an incredible hour long documentary style video that took him literally six months to complete. It's a wonderful video that... actually, just go watch it right now. You can always come back here later and finish reading.

Speaking of reading...

Let's Read! Retrogaming Magazine Videos
Going page by page through Electronic Gaming Monthly #6.
I actually found Chris' channel by watching one of his Let's Read videos. You can see my original tweet up top from September of 2017 when I first found the channel. I was going through a very rough time in my life then, and I was laying on the couch watching YouTube in a daze one night when I stumbled upon it. Not to sound too dramatic, but the channel brought me comfort in those times and I took great joy in watching his content when there was no joy elsewhere.

Hardware Review Videos
Chris talks about the Everdrive Version 2 for the Sega Genesis.
There were several of these videos at the start of the channel, but Chris hasn't done anything new in this category in a while. I don't have much to say about these because I have no experience with Everdrives, but if I was ever in the market for one, I would definitely watch one of these videos to learn more before I made a purchase.

Being nostalgic on a great episode of Flashback.
These are fantastic videos to unwind to. They have a very relaxing and laid back quality to them and you really feel like you're just hanging out with Chris one on one. In these videos, they usually start out with Chris going through any fan mail he has received before he starts discussing various memories from his childhood or other general memories. I actually sent him a package not long ago and he went through it in episode 20.

I've never actually sent a YouTuber anything like that before. I felt like he would appreciate it, though.

The Game Room
Chris showcases games from his PlayStation collection for fans of the show.
There aren't many of these videos, but they're all definitely worth watching. Game Room videos are basically just Chris discussing various aspects of his game room, from why his Sega Genesis games are organized the way they are to combing over his PlayStation collection. I particularly enjoyed listening to him explain why his Genesis games are organized "weird," because I was honestly wondering before he posted the video.

Live Streams
Streaming the Saturn with Retro Game Squad on a really fun stream.
This is the newest thing on CGQ+. For the past several months on almost every Tuesday, Chris has been kind enough to stream himself playing games on his channel. Sometimes it's just him, but there have been a few times where he has had guests on the show with him. While he's streaming, there's a chat off to the side with many regular viewers (myself included) who have a great time chatting with each other about games and anything else that comes up. Interaction is high between Chris and the fans, and it's just a good positive atmosphere to be a part of.

That's just a brief bit about the channels and the content you can find there. I hope you check it out if you haven't already!

And also, if Chris happens to see this, I just want to say thank you for all the hard work you do. Thank you for the untold hours you've devoted to working on your channel creating all this entertaining and informative content. Thank you for sharing your memories. And thank you for taking the time to stream and chat with us. You've honestly given me something to look forward to every week with your streams.

Goodnight, everyone!

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