Wednesday, July 26, 2023

CGQ Challenge Game Archive

This is an archive of every game posted in the CGQ Challenge section of the CGQ Discord channel along with the in-depth clarification notes on how to successfully complete the challenges. They are presented in reverse chronological order with the latest game being at the top of the list.

Watch Out for That First Step! It's a Doozy needs a shot of you standing on any of the floating propeller platforms found near the end of Ice Man's stage. This section is where you're over a bottomless pit with the flying penguin enemies coming at you and NOT the section with the disappearing platforms.

Dolly Bomber needs a shot of you battling the clone Mega Man at the end of the second Dr. Wily stage.

Maybe Next Time, Wily! needs a shot of any point in the ending or credits sequence.

Quantum Reap needs a shot of a 1-Up icon.

All That and a Bag of Chips needs a shot of you in the game around the point you earn 50,000 points. The picture does not need to show exactly 50,000 points, but your score total should be at least 50,000 points and close to the point where you earned it.

Headbangers Ball needs a shot of the screen after defeating the third boss where it says, "Quantum Bombs have been added to your weapons list."

Temper Your Situation needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have the red tempered Master Sword. This can be a shot of your inventory screen or a shot of you swinging the sword.

Mirror Scrimmage needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have the Mirror Shield. This can be a shot of your inventory screen or a shot of you just standing someplace holding it.

Wow Capacity needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have 50 total Bombs and 70 total Arrows.

Hot Slots needs a shot of the slots where all three slots are the same icon.

Monkey Bear Star Guy needs a shot of you on the Stage Select screen.

I Have to Clear needs a shot showing all the levels in a world are marked red instead of blue indicating you've beaten them.

Achievement Unlocked needs a shot of the point tally screen at the end of a level where it shows you found X out of X secret points, and there must be at least 3/3 points, i.e., a stage that has 1/1 won't do.

Can I Get a Little Head? needs a shot of Dynamite Headdy after collecting the Pin Head power-up from a HeadCase.

Gerber's Original needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Scene 6-4 where you've dealt enough damage to make it to its fourth form, the old man.

A Real Bell End needs a shot of the screen shown after successfully making it through a bonus stage.

Cowabunga, Dude needs a shot of you standing on any of the flying turtle shells found in the game.

Box Encounter needs a shot of you fighting the cycloptic boss at the end of World 4.

Shields Up! Red Alert! needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you've used the Force power-up. Since the shield rapidly flickers, it might be difficult to get a picture of it. Do your best, but if it absolutely isn't showing up in your shot and you tell me it's supposed to be there, you'll get credit for it.

Giga-Fright needs a shot of you and the skull boss Giga at the end of Stage 4.

Head & Boulders needs a shot of the Moai heads you encounter along the walls at the end of Stage 6.

Explosive Hits needs a shot of you standing next to the bomb weapon after finding one in a white box. The bomb weapon looks like an orb with a swish in front of it.

Let's Samurize, Guys! needs a shot of you fighting the samurai boss of Stage 3.

Burning Downtown needs a shot of you at the beginning of Stage 5.

On a Slow Boat to Japan needs a shot of you in the canoe on the overworld of World 3-1 where you've gone to the far right side of the sea and are around the islands where the castle is.

Firehouse Subcon needs a shot of you battling the boss Fryguy.

Brooklyn Bounce needs a shot of you doing the infinite 1-Up trick with the Koopa shell on the staircase at the end of World 3-1.

100 Grand in the Bank needs a shot of you right after earning 100,000 points. It doesn't have to be exactly 100,000 points, but I'm looking for a shot right around the moment where you have just earned 100,000 points.

Tanks for the Enemies needs a shot of the part in Stage 4 where a tank bursts through the wall in the background. This happens at the mid point of the level, before the enclosed parking garage segment.

Prepare for Trouble! Make It Double! needs a shot of you fighting the two bosses at the end of Stage 6.

Runny Foes needs a shot of an enemy from the first stage splattered against the wall after being hit with the pole.

Sliding Into Home, Pants Full of Foam needs a shot of you fighting the first form of the boss in Stage 4.

Lake Shore Thriving needs a shot of Rick and Jennifer making it to shore after fighting the tentacle monster in the lake in Stage 8.

From Russia With Love needs a shot of one of the small Strider 1-Up icons anywhere in the game.

Genesis Does Strider needs a shot of you and the boss of Stage 4. The boss appears after you ride the dinosaur near the end of the level.

Master Fate needs a shot of any point in the credits sequence.

Skate or Die needs a shot of the skateboarding girl ducking down after you attempt to attack her.

It’s What I Was Born to Do needs a shot of any point after defeating the boss Tora at the end of Scene 3 from the exploding weather changing device to the "spring is here!" cinematic.

When Shell Freezes Over needs a shot of you after having been frozen into a block of ice inside the Technodrome in Scene 7.

Oh, Hi-Ryu needs a shot of you swinging your sword after collecting the Dragon Sword power-up on screen with any boss in the game. The Dragon Sword power-up makes Ryu's sword slash much larger.

Swanky on My Hang Down needs a shot of you hanging below one of the hovering platforms in Stage 3-1. Note that the hovering platforms are the platforms with spinning propellers under them, NOT the vines you can hang under.

Going for a Scroll needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where your Ninpo magic has been increased to 80.

Forepaw/Long Time needs a shot of you equipped with the Long Sword and Studded Mail in the town of Forepaw.

Spring a Leak needs a shot of the spring reactivated and spouting water after you give the old man next to it an Elixir.

Thomas Jane Hates This Place needs a shot of you talking to the man at the entrance of the first town you encounter in the misty area. He tells you the name of the town is Mascon.

Bowling for Recoup needs a shot of you in the first bowling pin bonus stage (the one with the blue floor) where you have at least 400 bowling pins collected. Take this shot as soon as you can after getting the pins because the game will rapidly tally them up for extra lives when you finish the level.

Tunnel Collision needs a shot of the cinematic that plays after the dreaded Turbo Tunnel level. If you miss getting a shot of the cinematic, a shot of you riding the big snake in the following level is fine.

Ertl Makes 'Em Just Like the Real Thing needs a shot of you anywhere in the level where your toad is driving the Jet Tracktor vehicle. The game tells you in the cinematic before the level begins to "power up those jet tracktors," so you'll know which vehicle this challenge is referencing.

You’ve Got to Follow Your Balloon needs a shot of you dangling from a balloon after falling into a hole anywhere in the game.

Static Shock needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Stage 3-3, the electric gremlin.

Son of a Gun needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Stage 4-3, Mohawk.

Marsupial Madness needs a shot of you and the kangaroo character Roo in Stage 2.

Samurai Syndication needs a shot of you battling the third form of Yamato at the end of Stage 4. Yamato should not be in the background of your shot, indicating that you have defeated two of the three forms.

Elevate Your Game Even Higher needs a shot of you in the obligatory beat 'em up elevator section of the game in Stage 5.

Mind Expanding needs a shot of you in any of the Subcon screens (the screen after entering a door made from a potion) where there's a life expanding mushroom on screen.

Fly Away in My Space Rocket needs a shot of you riding in a rocket that you've pulled from the ground.

Desert Foes needs a shot of you fighting a green Birdo.

Drop the Base needs a shot of you in either one of the Base levels. The Base levels are the behind the player perspective levels.

So Make Your Guns Like Butter, Easy to Spread needs a shot of you using the coveted Spread Gun in the icy 5th stage called Snow Field.

They're Coming Out of the Walls needs a shot of you and the mini-boss you encounter right before battling the final boss of the 8th stage, Alien's Lair.

Your Biggest Fan needs a shot of any of the fans in the level Blockade after you've destroyed it.

Scrambled Eggs needs a shot of the long stretch of Raptor eggs with the bomb placed on the ground right before the end of the level Seek and Destroy.

Maze Gunner needs a shot of the control panel at the end of the level Raptor Attack. The control panel says "danger" and has a Jurassic Park logo sign above it. Walking past it will trigger a countdown timer, so get your shot before walking in front of it!

Fresh! needs a shot of you at the top of the granny bonus area in the first stage, Anything but Tangerines. Note that this is not the regular area where you have to use the stair lift to proceed through the level, but rather it's the optional bonus path you can take where you enter a big light bulb.

When Rod Roddy Comes Calling needs a shot of you taking part in the game show segment found in the third stage, Villi People.

Don't Have a Cow, Man needs a shot of you holding a cow anywhere in the fifth stage, Udderly Abducted.

Decease the Kraken needs a shot of the score being tallied after defeating the Kraken boss at the end of Stage 3. "Stage 3 clear" needs to be visible at the bottom of the screen.

Small but Mighty needs TWO shots: One of you holding a key and one of you holding a bolt.

"Interactive TV, Jack, Wave of the Future" needs a shot of your character watching the credits on the television after defeating the final form of Warlock.

Scout Motto needs a shot of the inventory screen in The Legend of Zelda showing you've collected everything in the game. Some notes about this: This means you have to have the upgraded versions of certain items, but not the original versions. For example, you should show that you have the Red Ring, not the Blue Ring; you should show that you have the Red Candle, not the Blue Candle, etc. I'm just looking for the best possible equipment here and a full inventory screen with the criteria listed.

Gotta Go Fast needs a shot of you anywhere in Sonic the Hedgehog where your score shows at least 200,000 points.

Exit 96 Dinosaur Land 1 Mile needs a shot of the file select screen in Super Mario World where it shows you have a star next to the 96, showing you've found every secret in the game.

With the Pop-O-Matic Bubble, I Win! needs a shot of you underwater after acquiring the Bubble Shield power-up anywhere in Hydrocity Zone Act 1 or 2.

Three-Ring Nervous needs a shot of you in any Zone in the game where you have over 100 rings. Note that this says OVER 100 rings, so you'll need at least 101 of them!

Steal Your Blunder needs a shot of you riding in Robotnik's little floating egg vehicle after defeating him in Launch Base Zone Act 2. This is the scene that plays out BEFORE you fight Robotnik's final form at the very end of the level.

Smack, Crack, Shack-A-Lack needs a shot of you performing the knee smash attack against any enemy in the game.

The Pavement Was His Enemy needs a shot of you battling Abore in the spiked ceiling tunnel after taking the elevator down near the beginning of Mission 4.

Abuse Your Illusion II needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Mission 8.

Rush Into Danger needs a shot of the weapon select screen that shows you have obtained all three Rush forms: Coil, Jet, and Marine.

Breaking Bad needs a shot of the battle with Proto Man (labeled Break Man on the selection screen) that is selectable after defeating the four Doc Robot bosses. To reiterate, this is the battle with Proto Man where you select to fight him from the center of the stage selection screen and NOT when you fight him in various Robot Master levels.

We're Back! A Robot's Story needs a shot of you standing in the room near the end of Dr. Wily's castle where you can enter any of the eight chambers to fight the eight main Robot Master bosses.

Doctor's Orders needs a shot of Mega Man talking to Dr. Cain during any of the cinematics he appears in.

Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good needs a shot of Mega Man talking to the holographic Dr. Light as you're getting ready to receive the X-Buster upgrade from the capsule.

Totally Krossed Out needs a shot of your weapon select screen showing all three of Zero's parts have been acquired in the bottom right area of the screen.

Just Give Me Another Chance, Man! needs a shot of a golden 1-Up statue from anywhere in the game.

Ghost Rider needs a shot of you riding on the mine car in the level Runaway Mine Car with at least one of the ghosts that appear from the right side of the screen.

Dad Joke needs a shot of the ending.

Where There's Smoke, There's Flier needs a shot of any character in Flying Battery Zone after acquiring a Flame Shield power-up.

Oldest Trick With the Hook needs a shot of Robotnik taking the Master Emerald in Hidden Palace Zone after you defeat Knuckles as Sonic.

He's the Fastest Thing Alive needs a shot of you as Super Sonic anywhere in the game.

Don't You Know Who I Am? needs a shot of you after picking up the helmeted skull mask, turning you into Juggernaut. The Juggernaut mask turns you into a skeleton driving a tank.

Kid Brundle needs a shot of you after picking up the fly helmet, turning you into Micromax. The Micromax mask turns you into a tiny fly.

Maximum Cyclonage needs a shot of you after picking up the purple winged helmet, turning you into Cyclone. The Cyclone mask turns you into a spinning purple and red character that can fly.

Stop! Hammer Time needs a shot of you and a big Hammer Brother in World 4. This shot is not of the Hammer Brother walking around the overworld, but rather after you step onto the wandering Hammer Brother where you can actually fight it.

Memory Master needs a shot of the card flipping mini game where all the cards are successfully flipped over with the exception of two.

Seven Mega Power needs a shot the overworld screen with your inventory opened and it shows you have an Anchor, a Hammer, a Jugem's Cloud, a Music Box, a P-Wing, a Warp Whistle, and any of the three suits (the Leaf does not count). All of these items MUST be next to each other in the same shot, meaning you'll have to use items in your inventory to shift them so they're all together. They DO NOT have to be in the order listed, but all seven items must be clumped together in the same page of your inventory. Don't forget that completing the Memory Master challenge will load your inventory full of items, potentially overriding items you need for this challenge! Use caution!

Energy, You’d Think We’d Be Saving It Up needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have five full energy tanks.

Catch the Wave needs a shot of you anywhere in the game shooting the Wave Beam weapon.

Take a Chill Pill needs a shot of a Metroid after you've shot it with the Ice Beam.

The Doctor Will See You Now needs a shot of you fighting Dr. Doom in the level Dr. Doom's Castle.

Universal Church of Oof needs a shot of you fighting Magus.

The Power's in My Hand needs a shot of the screen after selecting your player where it shows you've collected five Infinity Stones.

Will Wheat-on needs a shot of a town that doesn't normally have Wheat and you've given them the ability to use it.

Population Density needs a shot of the Status of Cities menu where it shows MAX under the stat header for every town in the game.

Death Heim Clear! needs a shot of The Master standing on the cliff with the words "Death Heim Clear!" over him.

You Can’t Take It With You needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have at least 30 Batarangs in your arsenal.

It’s the Car, Right? Chicks Love the Car needs a shot of you anywhere in the driving portion of the game.

Punchline needs a shot of the ending sequence.

Clubbed to Death needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Round 2. Given the way this stage looks, the boss does not need to be visible in your shot. You're good as long as you're in the boss room.

Free Comic Book Day needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Round 6. It doesn't matter which version of the boss you're fighting.

Bad Hair Day needs a shot of the ending sequence.

2 Live Crew needs TWO shots: One shot for each of the two crew members you choose to save from one of the four planets. Your shots should be the crew member talking to Bucky after defeating the boss.

Hell in a Cell needs a shot of the four crew members talking to Bucky after finishing the level called Cell.

Hi-Fi Heatwave, Lo-Fi Lava Cave needs a shot of you anywhere in the level called Center of Magma Tanker.

Ride-Or-Die Duck needs a shot of you riding in one of the minecarts in the Transylvania level.

All Talk and No Trousers needs a shot of you speaking to Dewey in the Amazon. Dewey is the nephew in the blue shirt.

War Chest needs a shot of the ending scene showing you received the normal ending and not the bad or best ending. The normal ending is the ending with Scrooge jumping next to a large open treasure chest.

My Spidery Senses Are All Jangly needs a shot of the screen showing the Spider symbol with the text "Secret room, let's go."

Lethal Protector needs a shot of you anywhere in the game playing as Venom.

It's a Sonic Blast, Man! needs a shot of either Spider-Man or Venom holding the sonic gun after defeating the Muzzoid boss in the Fantastic Four lab.

An Albatross Around the Neck needs a shot of the credits sequence after completing the Dynablade game.

Pulling an All-Knighter needs a shot of the credits sequence after completing the Revenge of Meta-Knight game.

Going on the Offensive! needs a shot of the credits sequence after completing the Great Cave Offensive. You do not have to find every item.

Rip and Tear needs a shot of you performing a fatality with any character in the game after having put in the ABACABB blood code.

Fists of Steel needs you doing the third and final Test Your Might bonus chance, the steel block. You DO NOT have to shatter it, but if you do, take a picture of that!

A Reptile Dysfunction needs a shot of you getting taunted by Reptile between stages. Since this happens so randomly, IF YOU CHOOSE TO, it is acceptable to put in the in-game code to see this happen more frequently.

Freedom of Choice needs a shot of anywhere in the game where there are three dropped weapons from enemies on the screen. You can be holding one of them.

Rescue Police Boat Cruiser needs a shot of the police car after calling it for backup on the boat anywhere in Round 5.

Avenue of Fury needs a shot of the credits sequence after beating the game.

Ninja Scroll needs a shot of any of the scrolls you find that permanently increase your magic.

Quite the Demotion needs FOUR shots (sorry!): The mini Barbarian, the mini Bomberhead, the mini Basaquer, and the mini Bloody Malth. These are normal enemy versions of four of the bosses from the original Ninja Gaiden.

The Phantom Menace needs a shot of you fighting the boss Ashtar with two red phantom doubles on the screen.

Got His Bing-Bong, and His Flabby Habby Babby needs a shot of your inventory showing that you have acquired every one of Dracula's body parts.

Taking Inventory needs a shot of your inventory showing that you have acquired every item in the game. In the case of the crystals, you just need to show you have the Red Crystal since you can't own all three at the same time. However, you do have to show that you have at least one Laurel and Garlic in your inventory.

Oh, My God! The Quarterback Is Toast! needs a shot of the credits sequence.

Space Age Mutant Taka Turtle needs a shot of you fighting the huge turtle boss encountered at the end of the first stage.

Jet Moto needs a shot of you riding the jet motorcycle anywhere in Stage 4.

Desert Storm needs a shot of you in the overhead desert battle scenario in Stage 5.

Are You the Keymaster? needs a shot of your inventory bar showing that you have both an Iron Key and a Bridge Key in your possession at the same time.

That Boy's Got the Devil in Him needs a shot of you receiving the gun upgrade from the Androthi in the rocky desert world.

Curse Sarlac! needs a shot of the credits sequence.

Lock 'n Load needs a shot of any level in the game where it says x30 in your item box down in your status bar.

A Cut Above the Rest needs a shot of the screen displayed after defeating the boss where you're awarded the Green Gem.

The Miserable Mizrabel needs a shot of the ending sequence after defeating Mizrabel.

That's What I Said, Crummy Bread needs a shot of you and a loaf of bread on the screen between levels.

Bleed the Lizard needs a shot of you fighting the purple lizard bosses at the end of Stage 3 as any character.

Fright Knight needs a shot of you fighting the two silver Death Armors at the end of Stage 5 as any character.

Space Amoeba needs a shot of you doing battle against Gezora, the big squid boss frequently encountered in the game.

The Unbelievable needs a shot of you doing battle against Varan anywhere he appears in the game.

The Showa Powerhouse needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where it shows either Godzilla or Mothra's level has been raised to Level 08.

They're ACTION Figures! needs a shot of you standing next to any 1-Up doll that appears in the game.

Giant Frenemy Crab needs a shot of you standing on top of the giant crab found after falling down the waterfall during the Stage 3 boss fight.

Double Dragon needs a shot of you standing on the three floating blocks doing battle against the giant gold dragon boss at the end of Stage 11: Volcano as the dragon character.

Fright Water Rafting needs a shot of you riding the raft on the water during the second part of Stage 2.

The Evil Red needs a shot of a Red Arremer in Stage 3.

The Ice Is Right needs a shot of you anywhere past the mid point of the snowy Stage 5. The correct area is just past the transparent column after you cross the falling ice bridge.

Nega Baleog needs a shot of any character and the evil blue Baleog found in the candy land on screen together.

Priorities needs a shot of a shield in Erik's inventory (the item that gives a blue health point), a flaming arrow in Baleog's inventory, and a big steak in Olaf's inventory. Note: These do not have to be in the same shot.

In Space, No One Can Hear You Scheme needs a shot of the credits sequence with the ship immediately after defeating the final boss.

A Little Primatene Might Just Help to Clear That Up needs a shot of you fighting the boss Tatsu at the end of Scene 3.

Elevator Traction needs a shot of you slamming a Foot Soldier on the ground while you're riding the elevator after defeating Krang in Scene 5.

You’re More Shredded Than a Julienne Salad, Man needs a shot of any point in the credits sequence.

Chaos on the Rise needs a shot of the screen saying that Sonic got a Chaos Emerald.

A Winner Is You needs a shot of a slot machine in Casino Night Zone reading three jackpots.

Falls Apart needs a shot of the screen that reads Metropolis Zone 3. You should have plenty of time to prepare to take this shot, but if you for some reason fail at getting it, a shot of the very beginning of the zone before you move will suffice. After taking your shot, stop playing the game, because it has worn out its welcome at this exact point.

Man Against Man needs a shot of you in Bean Ball Mode where there are only two characters remaining on the screen.

Come to Kenya, We've Got Lions needs a shot of you playing in Kenya.

Highly Negative People needs a shot of you fighting the black and white versions of yourselves at the end of the game.

Ladies' Knight needs a shot of Kuros wearing the Helmet you find in the cloud section after the Eagle drops you off. The shot must be from the clouds and not later in the game.

I've Got an Axe to Find needs a shot either of the screen saying that you have found an Axe or, if you miss the shot, of Kuros wielding the Axe itself next to the open chest it's found in. This shot must be from inside the volcano and not later in the game.

It's Time to Start Running! needs a shot of the screen that says you have found the Seven League Boots. This screen is only up for a limited time, so be prepared! There's no visual indicator you have them other than this screen!

Bullying the Class of 1997 needs a shot of you playing as the character you like the most battling one of the four new challengers: Cammy, Dee Jay, Fei Long, or T. Hawk.

Remember That, You One-Eyed Bastard? needs a shot of Ryu performing the Shoryuken move against Sagat and it connecting with him, i.e., Sagat isn't blocking it and you're not doing it across the stage from him.

An Underdog Victory needs a shot of you playing as the character you like the least battling M. Bison on M. Bison's stage in Thailand and you have a single star denoting a win next to your health bar. Bison can have a star as well, but you have to have one yourself.

Mech Assault needs a shot of you inside a Ride Armor fighting another enemy that is also in a Ride Armor.

Mammoth in Ice needs a shot of Flame Mammoth's stage where it shows that the lava floor that is normally there is frozen.

Sub to Dom needs a shot of your weapon select screen where you have all four Sub Tanks and all four of them are filled up.

Everybody Must Get Stoned needs a shot of the dialogue box that pops up when you interact with someone that has been turned into stone in the town of Zema.

EuRIKA! needs a shot of the character Rika introducing herself.

Fortress of Solemn Mood needs a shot of you fighting the boss Juza at the top of Zio's Fort.

Fifty Nifty Ignited Fates needs a shot of any results screen on any bonus stage where it says you "Hit 50."

Treasure From a Hobo's Bindle needs a shot of the hidden 1-Up icon in Stage 2-1.

Conservation Score needs a shot of the score tally screen after defeating the boss of Round 4 where it shows that the magic is "unused."

Fledgling Magician needs a shot of you anywhere in the game with your spells list open showing that you have ONLY the Heal and Hurt spells. A shot later in the game where you have more than the two spells is not valid.

Music to Soften Rocks needs a shot of the dialogue box that is shown when you search the correct tile in Kol where the Fairy Flute is.

Axe Body Slay needs a shot of you fighting the Axe Night in Hawksness that is guarding Erdrick's Armor. If you choose to rescue the princess from the Green Dragon before accomplishing this challenge, be sure to take a picture of you carrying the princess. I haven't made it yet, but I guarantee that one of the challenges in Round 2 for this game will be rescuing the princess. So unless you want to play through the game again, get a shot of that as well and hold onto it if you end up doing that first.

Going Up! needs a shot of you scaling the right wall at the end of Mission 1 before going in the open door to fight Abobo.

Chip, Chip, Chip, Chip, Chip, Chip, Chip, Nanny! needs a shot of you swinging the bat at the spot in Mission 2 where the glitched invisible Williams is AND you have maxed out hearts under your health bar.

Not Today, Satan needs a shot of the Chintai boss at the end of Mission 2 on the platform he starts out on and you starting to climb down the second ladder in escape.

Sway Through the Crowd to an Empty Space needs a shot of you watching the dancing girl in Kaipo as she is dancing. The dancing girl in Kaipo ends up jumping into the water at some point during her performance.

A Bigger Fish to Fry needs a shot of you fighting the octopus boss Octomamm in the Waterfalls.

Hazing Kain needs a shot of Cecil fighting Kain in the Fabul crystal room. Kain is labeled as "Dragoon" during this battle.

Road Work Ahead? Ah, Yeah, I Sure Hope It Does needs a shot of the Valley of Bowser where every exit has been cleared and every road is filled in. This includes the path in the upper left portion of the screen that isn't actually accessible in the Valley itself.

Highway Through the Special Zone needs a shot of you standing on the exit star after clearing the stage titled "Funky."

The Fall Collection needs a shot of three different enemies that have physically changed in appearance after completing the Special Zone. This does not mean three Koopa Troopa color variations.

Household for Three needs a shot of Rudo speaking to Rolf after he knocks on Rolf's door

Time to Tee 'Em Up needs a shot of you talking to Teim inside Nido Tower.

Composing a Phantasy needs a shot of Ustvestia playing the song titled "Phantasy" when you find him in the town Oputa.

Dangling the Carrot needs a shot of you standing next to the man in the carrot suit who identifies presents.

Nothing but Junk Mail needs a shot of you being chased by the Mailbox Monster enemy. The Mailbox Monster looks like a normal mailbox until you approach it and then it springs to life.

Someone Call Dr. Loomis! needs a shot of you being scared by the shadowy Boogeyman enemy.

Four on the Floor needs a shot of you on the boss selection screen where any four of the eight robot masters are defeated.

Instruments of Transportation needs THREE shots! One of you using Item-1, one of you using Item-2, and one of you using Item-3, but every one of them needs to be in a different stage.

Thanks for Watching, and We'll See You Next Time needs a shot of you anywhere in the first stage of Dr. Wily's castle.

Faster Than Lightning needs a shot of you swimming anywhere in Stage 5.

Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys? needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where every slot in your inventory bar at the bottom of the screen has at least one item in it.

To the Window, to the Brawl needs a shot of the scene after defeating the final boss in Stage 9.

What Is That? Anguirus? needs a shot of you having defeated the Wyvern boss at the end of Level 3. The game will tell you that you have defeated the Wyvern for about five seconds. Try to get this as your shot. Otherwise, it on the screen with the gold bags strewn about is also valid.

Five for Fighting needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where the level of both your weapon and your shield show L5 underneath your health bar. Note that not every character has a "shield," but they do have a second item that levels up. Regardless if the character has an actual shield, both items must be leveled up to level 5.

A Royal Pain needs a shot of you fighting the Royal Knights boss at the end of Stage 12.

Skull-Buster needs a shot of Scarface, the second boss you encounter, after you've blown off all his skin and he's just a skull.

Union of the Snake needs a shot of the defeated Cobra Death boss. There will be two grates on the ground when they're defeated.

MC Pee Pants needs a shot of the credits sequence, specifically of the bikini babe. However, also take a picture of the screen after defeating the MC Boss where he's not on the screen in case Discord deems the bikini babe NSFW like it did with Ghouls 'n Ghosts once upon a time. You do not have to post both pictures, just the bikini babe. The other picture is just a fail-safe.

Pumping Quarters needs a shot of you standing next to any of the Bare Knuckle arcade machines you come across in Stage 3.

Twinkle Foes needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Stage 5, R. Bear.

Really Elevate Your Game needs a shot of you in the elevator section after making it through the factory portion of Stage 7.

Dragon Eyeball Z needs a shot of you as the dragon fighting the boss of Stage 2.

I Understood That Reference needs TWO shots: One of the reference to the Alex Kidd series, and one of the reference to the Golden Axe series. What are those references? You might have to look them up!

Welcome to Your Doom needs a shot of you fighting any of the bosses in the game as a human instead of your beast form.

That Damn Dam Level needs a shot of your turtle posing saying, "OK!" You only have a few seconds to get this shot, so get your camera ready before you disarm the final bomb!

I Am Proud of You, My Sons needs a shot of any moment from the destruction of Mechaturtle where Splinter is descending to him pointing at the escaping helicopter saying, "OH!"

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Trap needs a shot of any moment from the destruction of the giant Mouser where either its head is cracking, exploding, or missing entirely.

I Got a Real Buzz On needs a shot after having discovered the hidden Buzz Boar vehicle in the boss fight of Mission 2-2. You do not have to be inside the Buzz Boar in your shot, but it must be on the screen along with the enemy Buzz Boars.

Sacking Quarterbacks to Tackling Terror needs a shot of you as Captain Grid-Iron anywhere in Mission 4-1.

Go Back to Selling Used Cars needs a shot of the credits sequence after defeating Cobra Commander.

A Monday Night Invasion needs a shot where you have built a Stadium somewhere on your map.

Crime and Arson? You're Outta Here! needs a shot of a Police HQ and a Fire HQ on your map in the same shot. Note that these are the HQ buildings and not just regular police department and fire department buildings.

City Connection needs a shot showing your population to be in excess of 10,000 people.

Sowing the Seeds of Love needs a shot of you on top of a planted seed anywhere in the game.

Too Many Irons in the Flier needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Round 2-B with a black iron ball aborbed.

Dressed for Distress needs a shot of the bizarre running man in the icy Round 6-A.

Hammering in My Head needs a shot of you anywhere within the level Boss Arena, Ohsat Attack. You do not have to defeat the boss to get this medal.

Statue of Imitations needs a shot of you carrying one of the Ristar statues over your head anywhere in Round 3-1.

Curtain Call needs a shot of the curtain dropped after defeating the bird boss of Round 4-3.

Keep an Extra Hedgehog in Your Pocket needs a shot of you standing next to a computer monitor anywhere in the game that has a 1-Up inside it.

Seethe needs a shot of you in Spring Yard Zone with the word COPE lit up in the background.

Water Off a Schmuck's Back needs a shot of you after having chased Robotnik out of the narrow corridor at the end of the level. Your picture can be anywhere in the area once you escape.

Tell Your Children Not to Walk My Way needs a shot of you fighting the brain boss in Area 1.

It Better Have a Compass in the Stock needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where all eight bars in your gun meter are filled in white. Note that this is referring to Jason's gun that he uses in the overhead sections and NOT the gun on your vehicle.

Hover Handing Sophia needs a shot of you hovering anywhere in the game once you gain the ability to do so from defeating the boss of Area 3.

Cave Consequences needs a shot of you fighting Basaquer, the boss of Stage 3-3.

Cliffs of Closure needs a shot of you anywhere in the cliff section in Stage 5-2.

Malth Bawls needs a shot of the cinema scene that plays after you defeat Bloody Malth, the boss of Stage 5-4.

Shove It needs a shot of you talking to the old man that teaches you how to push rocks.

Three-Alarm Fire needs a shot of you wearing the Fire Armor, the Fire Shield, and swinging the Fire Sword.

The Baddest of Them All needs a shot of the racing mini game where the hermit crab character has x99 in its betting box.

Jinn and Demonic needs a shot of you and Reuben fighting the final form of the Jinn boss at the end of the Mine. In the Jinn's final form, he appears smaller and has white smoke around him.

The Lorax needs a shot of you and Kaeli anywhere inside the giant tree you find in the Alive Forest.

Smells Like Chocobo! needs a shot of you on the roof of the house in Windia where you can interact with the Chocobo weathervane.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Slam Dunk Animations needs a shot of you playing the basketball mini game.

Drag You For Filth needs a shot of you after you've been pulled through the wall in Scene 3-2.

Gear Up for Gold needs a shot of you inside the tower where the gears are in Scene 5-2.

You Really Hit the Male on the Head needs a shot after you have knocked the head off of the big statue along the path in Stage 2-5.

A Tall Drink of Slaughter needs a shot of you fighting Frankenstein's Creature in Stage 4-7.

I'll Bathe in Your Blood needs a shot of you and Elizabeth Bartley on screen together, either as herself or in her Medusa form.

I'm Leaving You With No Options needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have two Option power-ups.

Vertical Horizon needs a shot of you anywhere in the second vertically scrolling stage.

Khamun Egyptian Iconography needs a shot of you fighting the pharaoh mask boss in Stage 5.

Endless Gunner needs a shot of you falling down the endless pit in Stage 2-2. You don't die from falling into this pit, the screen just continuously scrolls.

Living Laser needs a shot of you fighting the bouncing red boss at the end of Stage 4-2 where the lasers outside of the box at the top and the bottom are both destroyed.

Beaming the Cube needs a shot of you at the end of Stage 6-2 where there's only one of the cubes left that rotate around the room. You can be standing on top of it or underneath it, but you need to be shooting your Power Beam (the P power-up) across the room to show that you made it that far using the weapon. Be aware, I am not asking for a shot of you shooting the Power Beam AT the boss, just shooting it off into the room.

Dropping Plates on Your Ass needs a shot of the scene after defeating the ghost boss where the ninja cat is speaking to you.

Amusement Lark needs a shot of you playing Gradius. Inception!

Kunoichi needs a shot of the scene after defeating the mask boss Otafu where the ninja girl Yae is speaking to you.

Lights Out! Gorilla Radio needs a shot of you on the overworld map standing on the level Blackout Basement.

A Barrel of Brisk Monkeys needs a shot of you and the blue balloon in the level Snow Barrel Blast.

K. Rool Intentions needs a shot of any moment from the credits sequence.

Shut Up Woman, Get On My Horse needs a shot of you riding the horse anywhere in Round 2.

Surf Ninjas needs a shot of you riding the surfboard anywhere in Round 4.

Kabuki Quantum Fighter needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Round 6.

Regulators! Mount Up needs three shots: One where you're riding Chicken Leg, one riding Blue Dragon, and one riding the Red Dragon.

Magic: The Gathering needs THREE shots: One for each of the three playable characters using their most powerful magic.

Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds needs a shot of you fighting Death Bringer, the boss at the end of Stage 8.

Six is Good! You Got a Problem with Six? needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have six total units of health. They do not have to be filled, but you have to have six total.

Super Robot Red Baron needs a shot of you in the rocky sky area where you have encountered the red robot enemy that shoots energy waves at you.

Under Armour needs a shot of Indora giving you the item he identifies as Indora's Suit of Armour after defeating the boss Dorago.

Honey, Where Are All the Bags? needs THREE shots! One picture each for the three hidden treasure bags in the three stages listed in the challenge. Note that the stage numbers are using the in-game stage numbers and NOT what one would normally call each level. The stage numbers are what appears in the upper right corner.

Pacifism needs a shot of you after having just walked underneath the bone snake on your way to the area you fight Frankenstein's monster in. Get this shot before you walk through the door.

To Hell With You needs a shot of any point in the credits sequence after beating the game.

Pillar Peril needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Stage 3, Dullahan.

Your Princess Is in Another Castle needs a shot of you rescuing Maria from her cell.

More Like Dracula SEX, Amirite? Ayyy! needs a shot of you rescuing Annette.

Mo Money, Mo Problems needs a shot of your status screen where you have selected the Crown Talisman. The equipped talisman should be gray if it's equipped. The cursor does not have to be on the talisman in your shot.

Take Your Conch Out needs a shot of you either doing battle against the giant sea snail or having just defeated it with the health upgrade sitting on the ground in its place.

Crest Pro-Health needs a shot of you receiving the Crest of Time after defeating Arma.

Roid Rage needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you've turned into the super buff powered-up form.

Just Wanna Eat Those Teddy Grahams needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Stage 3.

Rick Rolled needs a shot of any moment from the cinematic shown after you defeat the boss of Stage 5.

More Chuck for Your Buck needs a shot of you in the Bonus Stage area between worlds where you have five Chucks on the tracks.

More Than Just Coolers needs a shot of you fighting the yeti boss at the end of Stage 6-3.

Gonna End up a Big Ol’ Pile of Them Bones needs a shot of the completely assembled skeleton after defeating the final boss or any moment from the credits if you miss the shot.

He Chose... Poorly needs a shot of the game after you've used the hammer on the wrong mirror.

Sit, Ubu, Sit needs a shot of the text box after you've used the Water on the Hellhound.

Fully Staffed needs a shot of the text box after you've assembled the Staff of Ages and used it on the final boss.

Get Outta Here, YaNasty needs a shot of you recruiting Alucard and sending Grant on his way.

T-T-T-Today, Junior! needs a shot of you on the screen in Block 7-05 where the bricks are falling enabling you to ascend to the top of the screen.

This Isn't Even My Final F- Oh, It Is? needs a shot of you fighting Dracula's third form that resembles a gargoyle as Alucard and NOT Trevor.

You've Got Boost Power! needs a shot of you standing next to the Chozo statue that's holding the Speed Booster power-up.

Crocomire Dundee needs a shot either of Crocomire in the midst of dying in the lava or, if you miss that, a shot of its skull after it breaks through the wall will also suffice.

Let's Scope It Out! needs a shot of you using your X-Ray Scope to reveal a hidden Energy Tank or a capacity upgrade for any of the bombs or missiles anywhere in the game. You must be using the Scope to reveal it in your shot!

Birdman, Get In Here! needs a shot of you fighting the bird boss at the end of Stage 1.

Grub Hub needs a shot of you riding a grub worm platform across the spikes in Stage 3.

Extra Special needs a shot of your EXTRA bar at the bottom of the screen lit up with all five letters. After collecting all the letters, EXTRA will begin flashing. Your picture must have all the letters showing in light blue indicating they've all been collected. The letters only flash nine times before stopping, so be fast!

Oh, He's Just Big Boned needs a shot of you smashing an enemy with the bone weapon.

Books! Check 'Em Out! needs a shot of you in the library section of Stage 5.

Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Stage 7.

Shock the Monkey needs a shot of you fighting the big gorilla miniboss in the Central Park stage.

The Future of Law Enforcement needs a shot of the end level recap of the photos you took, one of which needs to be a shot of the enemy that looks like ED-209 from Robocop.

More Keys Than a School Janitor needs a shot of you after having defused the bomb. It will say "DEFUSED" in the bottom right corner after you have done it instead of the time.

The Big Engine That Couldn't needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Stage 2.

Carlson Chasm needs a shot of you after making it over any of the series of pits in Stage 4 where the platform drops when you stand on it.

Loaded for Bear needs a shot of your weapon selection screen where you have acquired all six guns.

Spready to the Gods needs a shot of you performing the up thrust attack anywhere in the game.

Trip to the Barba needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Palace 6, Barba.

The Cries That Bind needs a shot of you standing at the entrance to the Great Palace where the binding force has been destroyed.

Wow, Thanks needs a shot of you standing in the area that says "Welcome to Warp Zone!" where the sole pipe leads to World 5.

Crawl Into a Hole and Die needs a shot of you in World 2-2 where you took the left path and the fork and dug yourself down to where it's impossible to escape without resetting.

Rock, Flag, and Eagle needs a shot of you anywhere in the game looking at your item bar where the Frog suit, the Tanooki suit, and the Hammer suit are all acquired. The suits don't need to be in that order, but they DO need to all be on the same screen.

Such a Poser needs a shot of you at the end of any level where you've done the super jump into the star sphere.

No Brakes on the Crazy Train needs a shot of you riding the skateboard while throwing the boomerang weapon where it's powered up (glowing).

Hot Foot, Cold Foot needs TWO shots: One of you anywhere in Round 4-1, and another of you anywhere in Round 5-1.

Hey, I'm No Mutant! needs a shot of you fighting the Sentinel in Scene 2.

See My Power! needs a shot of you fighting the Mandarin at the end of Scene 3.

Excuse Me, Officer needs a shot of you fighting Ultron at the end of Scene 4.

Now You @#$%ed Up! You Have @#$%ed Up Now! needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where the blue flaming torch weapon is in your weapon slot.

Brace Yourself, Old Man! needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where a Magician has turned you into an old man.

Come Back When You're Ready to Fight needs a shot of you standing on top of the boss of Stage 4 with the sword weapon in your weapon slot.

Faithfully needs a shot of you on the screen you find the Magnet Beam item.

Master of None needs a shot of the Robot Master select screen where all bosses are blacked out and Dr. Wily is selectable.

Look at My Pinwheel and See What I've Found needs a shot of the lone Yashichi in the game.

Becoming a Wizard at 30 needs a shot of your inventory screen showing you have both the Magical Rod and the Book of Magic.

Grave Consequences for Ganon needs a shot of you in the room where you find the Magical Sword and you have at least 12 heart containers. You need this shot BEFORE you pick it up! To reiterate, the shot must have "Master using it and you can have this," the Magical Sword in front of the old man, and you with at least 12 heart containers.

Just Like an Xbox 360 Owner needs a shot of you on the screen where you find the Red Ring. The shot must have you and the Red Ring on the screen at the same time BEFORE you pick it up!

You're OUTTA HERE! needs a shot of you tossing an enemy at the screen as your least favorite turtle. Remember, it's your least favorite. Doesn't mean you don't like them at all! They're just your least favorite turtle of the four.

Do the Time Warp. Again. needs a shot of you anywhere in the stage Prehistoric Turtlesaurus as your favorite turtle.

Pizza Power needs a shot of any moment from the credits sequence after beating Super Shredder.

It Happens to All Guys, Babe needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where Simon's whip is extended out limply in front of him.

Opposites Attract needs a shot of you fighting the dancing ghost bosses Paula Abghoul and Fred Askare.

It's Miller Mimmy Time needs a shot of you fighting the Mummy on the clock hands at the climax of Block A-2.

Rolling In It needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have at least 25,000 coins.

Beause Tonight Is the Night When Three Become One needs a shot of you anywhere in R4 Battle Stage 1, Discovery of Monster Castle.

I'd Buy That for a Dollar needs a shot of the shop screen between stages that shows the Super Sword has been purchased. Once a sword has been purchased, it shows up in the box in the top left corner of the screen.

Who Left the Fridge Open? needs a shot of you anywhere inside the Ice Castle.

Sic Semper Tyrannis needs a shot of you fighting the Tyrant Dragon inside the volcano.

Legendary! needs FOUR shots: One each showing you have the Legendary Sword, the Legendary Shield, the Legendary Armor, and the Legendary Boots in your inventory.

Just Like Super Joe needs a shot of you in any of the overhead areas in the game.

Ooh, You Got Told! needs a shot of you talking to the NPC who gives you the iconic line.

Rocket Power needs a shot of you at the beginning of Area 6 with the wall at the beginning of the stage gone showing you've destroyed it.

Not to Put Too Fine a Point on It needs a shot of your inventory showing the Good Bee caught inside one of your bottles.

Stick to the Rivers and the Lakes That You’re Used To needs a shot of you buying the Flippers from the big Zora.

I Want the Gold, Sucka! Agahnim, I'm coming for YOU! needs a shot of you at the pedestal holding the Master Sword either in the act of removing it or holding it up in the sky right after removing it.

Every Game Needs a Double Jump needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have acquired the Lightning Shield.

Grabbing Those Blue Balls needs a shot of the screen that says "Sonic Got a Chaos Emerald" and there are three Emeralds shown. The gems rapidly flicker, so they might not show up in your picture. Do try to get them to show up in your shot, however, if they don't, I will trust you that you have three of them if there aren't any gems shown on this screen since it might not cooperate and this is a TIMED SHOT.

Hard Times needs a shot of you at the beginning of Icecap Zone Act 1 shredding down the slopes.

I'm Going on an Adventure! needs a shot of you on the screen immediately after exiting the first town holding the Hand Dagger.

Junk in the Trunk needs a shot of you on the screen immediately after entering the Tower of Trunk. The Tower of Trunk is the first locked door you encounter after leaving the second town.

2022 Chevalier Xanadu needs a shot of you talking to the Guru where he gives you the title "Chevalier." If you miss this screen, your status screen showing the title is acceptable, but try to get the Guru giving you the title.

Speak & Spell needs a shot of any round where the word JERRY in the top left corner has all the letters showing red instead of purple. This might be a pain to get because the letters flash and continue to flash even when the game is paused.

Kris Kross Will Make You needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have the white Jump Ball inside of you, rather than any other color.

Crash the Party needs a shot of you fighting the boss of Round 8-A. Note that the round "ends" when you jump into the stained glass building at the end of the level, but the boss fight is AFTER your score is totaled up at the end of the round. This is still technically Round 8-A because you aren't shown moving to Round 8-B until the boss is defeated.

Four of Hearts needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where your life total is four hearts.

Totem Stroll needs a shot of you at the end of the level with the 3-1 Goal sign on the screen.

Pump it Up When You Don't Really Need It needs a shot of you at the beginning of Stage 5-1.

Special K needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where you have EXACTLY 30 K icons.

Human Centipede needs a shot of you battling the green lady centipede boss at the end of Stage 4.

Fly the Friendly Skies needs a shot of you anywhere in Stage 8 while using the wing power-up.

Must Go Faster needs a shot of you standing on the jeep as you're being driven away from the T-Rex.

They're Flocking This Way needs a shot of the cage the helicopter boss swings at you on the ground and the helicopter still flying above it.

Mr. Hammond, I Think We're Back In Business needs a shot of you at the top of the radio tower at the end of the level with the antenna dish in the same shot. NOTE: Approaching the dish ends the level, so get your shot before you get near it!

Knife to a Fist Fight needs a shot of you as any character anywhere in the game holding the knife weapon.

Bazooka Blitzkrieg needs a shot of you as any character fighting the boss of Round 4 during any part of the animation of you calling for backup.

Bitches Leave needs a shot of you as any character throwing an enemy off of the ascending elevator in Round 7.

Big Muddy Monster needs a shot of you fighting the end level boss of Stage 2, Bigfoot.

Hobnobbing With the 15 Pointers needs a shot of you at the top of the chain link fence at the beginning of Stage 4 with at least one red Hobgoblin on screen with you.

Goodness Cretaceous! needs a shot of one of the T-Rex enemies you encounter in Stage 6.

Find Your Footing needs a shot of all three vikings alive at the end of the level.

Funky Tut needs a shot of all three vikings alive at the end of the level.

Using Every Trick In the Book! needs a shot of all three vikings alive at the end of the level.

The Shinobi needs a shot of you standing next to a 1-Up icon anywhere in the game where one appears.

Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt Range needs a shot of you doing battle against the boss of Round 4.

Destroy All Monsters needs a shot of you doing battle against the boss of Round 7.

Nice Ice, Baby needs a shot of the Ice Beam in the Chozo statue hand BEFORE you collect it. Look up what the item looks like beforehand if you're not completely sure so you don't accidentally collect it before getting the shot. There are two Ice Beams in the game, but it would be tedious to collect the second if you accidentally miss it the first time.

Full of Energy needs a shot of Samus anywhere in the game where she has three full Energy Tanks and AT LEAST 40 Missiles. You can have any number of missiles exceeding 40, but you have to have exactly three Energy Tanks. Additionally, those three Energy Tanks have to be full and not empty.

You Guys Are So Screwed needs a shot of the Screw Attack in the Chozo statue hand BEFORE you collect it. Look up what the item looks like beforehand if you're not completely sure, though I can't imagine anyone here not knowing what the Screw Attack icon looks like.

Gimme Those Keys needs a shot of one of the key icons that appear randomly on screens from any level.

Big Money! Big Prizes! I Love It! needs a shot of the screen after defeating any boss where your cash and prizes are rapidly calculating.

Two Heads Are Better Than One needs a shot of the final boss of the game, M.C. Boss, where his body parts have been reduced down to just his second head on a tank. I do not expect anyone to play through the entire game to accomplish this challenge! There is a code to jump right to him, but you still need to fight the boss.

Kept My Wife's Name Out of Your Mouth needs a shot of the end level screen as your score tallies up where it shows you have received a "No Hit" bonus.

Ki Ki Ki, Ma Ma Ma needs a shot of you after having collected the hockey mask anywhere in the game.

50,000? You Got 50,000 on Double Dragon Kid Chameleon? needs a shot of your score reading at least 50,000 points.

Get a Glip On It, Man! needs a shot of you in the midst of battle against the boss Clawgrip.

Ooh, Shiny! needs a shot of you and the red Snifit on screen at the same time.

Everyone Does Their Part! needs a shot of the credits sequence where every character has a 5 over their head. There is a timed window to get this shot! Once Wart is carried off the screen and beaten up you'll lose the ability to get this picture!

Watch Your Step! needs a shot of you standing on the bridge you encounter at the top of the Xibalba Falls stage. Be careful! If you proceed to the right when you get to this point the level will end!

A Different Kind of Crane Game needs a shot of you playing the original Pitfall! game for the Atari 2600 found within this game.

Don't Go In There, It's Dark! needs a shot of you anywhere in the Lakamul Rain Forest level.

Christmas in Hollis needs a shot of you on the screen with Santa Claus before he jets off.

Sweet! What Does Mine Say? needs a shot of you anywhere in the game where your status says you're a dude.

Piecing It Together needs a shot of you standing next to the ship piece on Level 20 before collecting it.

No Clipping Mode Deactivated needs a shot of the paperclip weapon that appears after you defeat Mohawk. The level ends once you pick it up, so get your shot before collecting it!

Hot Cold Sodas, and Cold Hot Popcorn RIGHT NOW needs a shot of the flaming arrow weapon that appears after you defeat the machine gunning Mohawk. Again, the level ends once you pick up the weapon so be careful!

Ya'll Been Zapped! needs a shot of any point in the credits sequence.

This Is Just a Test! needs a shot of the box that pops up saying that you've found the Crest of Earth.

Is This Guy Bothering You? needs a shot of the box that pops up saying that you've found the Crest of Air.

Creepy Crawlers needs a shot of the box that pops up saying that you've found the Crest of Water.

Bear-ly a Challenge! needs a shot of you after turning into the Bear anywhere in Stage 3.

Seven and the Ragged Tiger needs a shot of you after turning into the Tiger anywhere in Stage 4.

My Hair is a Bird, Your Argument is Invalid needs a shot of any point after defeating the final boss.

Assemble Your Crew needs a shot of the password screen after you gather all four heroes. The password should read either ?2KC if you're playing on Easy mode or 7XGN if you're playing on Normal mode.

Maxin' Relaxin' All Cool needs a shot after pausing the game and showing that all four characters have max health upgrades and are holding a health potion on Easy mode. On Easy mode, max health for all four characters is as follows: Samson - 16, Dragon - 14, Golem - 20, Mouse - 10.

Now THAT'S a $2,000 Game! needs a shot of the very end of the credits sequence where it shows a chibi picture of all four heroes with "THE END" at the bottom of the screen.

Magic Medicine needs a shot of you receiving the Elixir from Tristam in the Bone Dungeon.

Ride Out the Day's Events needs a shot of you receiving the River Coin after defeating the boss inside the Ice Pyramid.

Bombman, Clear Points 60,000 needs a shot of you receiving the Mega Grenade from the man in the house in the center of Fireburg.

Iconic II needs a shot of you using Tyris Flare's magic after it has been fully maxed out. This magic is a huge dragon descending from the top of the screen and filling the screen with fire.

Duel of the Fates needs a shot of you fighting the two headless armors during Battle 15 of The Duel mode. Battle 15 is the final battle of this mode.

Kick His Axe needs a shot of the game in any part of the ending sequence after Dark Guld explodes.

You've Got Real Star Power! needs a shot of you inside any bonus area in the game.

Deep Dive requires TWO pictures: One of you swimming in Round 2-3 and another of you swimming in Round 4-3.

Beach Babe! needs a shot of the beginning of the credits sequence. Eventually this scene will disappear, so have your camera ready when you beat the game!

Having a Real Ruff Day needs a shot of your dog in its puppy form in any stage.

Yearn to Breathe Free needs a shot of you at the end of the elevator ascent during Stage 3-2 just below the torch.

Maim of Thrones needs a shot of you in the final boss room.

Take'm Out needs a shot of the robot master select screen with any seven of the eight bosses defeated.

A Buster Today Keeps the Doctor at Bay needs a shot of the Doc Robot select screen with any three of the four bosses defeated. Doc Robot is the boss that appears after defeating the initial eight bosses.

The End of Dr. Wily!? needs a shot of the credits sequence with Mega Man running outdoors.

A Knight's Best Friend needs a shot of Kuros wielding the Diamond Sword.

Construx! You Build... POWER needs a shot of the screen that says "You have assembled the IronSword." This is a timed screen! Once you pick up the fourth piece of the IronSword after defeating the Earth Elemental and exit through the cave, the shot you need will be shown, so be ready!

Finest Treasures in the Land needs a shot of all four treasures of Sindarin at the bottom of the screen. From what I've read, using a password does not retain ownership of the Sindarin treasures, meaning you have to get them in one go. Because of this, and the fact that they're all actually in hidden rooms, this is the gold medal instead of the silver even though you'll get it before assembling the IronSword.

A Leap of Faith has Its Rewards needs a shot of the ring treasure after it has been opened from the big treasure chest OR a shot of Scrooge saying he's found a treasure.

Life Is Too Short needs a shot of you with five total life points.

A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned needs a shot of the credits where Scrooge is sitting on top of a big pile of gold coins. There is a time limit for getting this shot, so have your camera ready as you beat the game! I think you have to beat the game on hard and have at least $10,000,000 by the time you beat the game to see this ending.

Game Breaker needs either a shot of you talking to the knight who teaches you the down thrust attack or you performing the move yourself. It'll be easier to take a picture of you talking to the knight than it will be to try to perform the move with one hand and then snap a picture.

Show and Tell needs a shot of the spell screen where it shows the Candle, the Handy Glove, the Raft, and the Hammer at the bottom where your inventory is.

206-885-7529 needs a shot of Link inside the wall itself inside the Palace on the Sea. You can be all the way in the wall or half way in half way out, just as long as Link is inside the wall.

To Make an Omelette needs a shot of the Status of Cities menu where it shows MAX under the stat header for the three cities of Fillmore, Bloodpool, and Kasandora.

Use the Power, Taste the Bliss, Harvest Salvation needs a shot of you anywhere in the first Aitos action scenario with you shooting the projectile attack from your sword. This powerup is only found in this one level and it's only found in one location in the level.

Divine Inspiration needs a shot of you in the Sky Palace under the Select Magic menu showing you have obtained all four magics: Magical Fire, Magical Stardust, Magical Aura, and Magical Light.

Oh, Sheila needs a shot of you standing in the Castle Hall speaking with Princess Purapril. The Castle Hall is the room with several servants lining up in front of the throne the princess is sitting on.

Poseidon's Poker needs a shot of you totally submerged under water while holding the Trident weapon. Only areas where the scene changes to the under water atmosphere count! You just standing in a small nook of water doesn't count.

Quiz Master needs a shot of you in the Sphinx's chamber.

Bad Things Come in Threes needs THREE pictures. There are three different vehicles you can find scattered around the levels, and you need to provide a picture of you riding each of them.

My Joes Are on the Level needs a shot of the pause screen showing the three characters in your team all at the MAX level.

Yo, Joe! needs a shot of the character select screen showing General Hawk as the leader. Remember, if you scroll off of the leader you cannot see them again, so you'll need to take the picture BEFORE you start selecting the rest of your team. I will accept a shot of you playing as him if you accidentally mess up, but try to get the other picture if you can.

This Is SO Wizard, Ani needs a shot of you talking to the wizard character Gladril at the end of the stage.

What That Hand Do? needs a shot of you talking to the seer character Onehand at the end of the stage.

Matt Is Giving Up! needs a shot of you talking to the big statue at the end of the stage.

Yeah, Yeah, it's a Secret to Blah Blah Blah needs a shot of you on the overworld map standing on the Orang-utan Gang level where it shows an exclamation mark at the end of the level title.

DK Inception needs a shot of you in the super secret area of Oil Drum Alley with the letters D-O-N-K-E-Y, K-O-N-G, or C-O-U-N-T-R-Y swirling over your head.

Let Your Animal Out needs FOUR shots. Each shot should be of the respective animal buddy (Enguarde the swordfish, Expresso the ostrich, Rambi the rhinoceros, and Winky the frog) in their bonus area. Note that this is not just a shot of you riding the animal buddies, but rather the bonus areas you enter by collecting three gold tokens of that character.

Under the Hills and Over the Hills My Paths Led needs a shot of you anywhere in Hill Top Zone 1 or 2.

Heisei Sonikku tai Meka Sonikku needs a shot of you in the heat of battle against Mecha Sonic.

What're You Saiyan? needs a shot of Sonic in his Super Sonic form anywhere in the game.

In Your Face Product Placement needs a shot of you standing near the black Pizza Hut signs that fall in Scene 2 BEFORE they actually fall down.

Awesome! Righteous! Bossa Nova! Chevy Nova? needs a shot of you riding the rocket skateboard.

This Wasn't in the Arcades... needs a shot of you doing battle against the boss of Scene 6, the Shogun.

That Was a Good Bzzzt needs TWO shots. You need a shot of you in the first boss room AND the second boss room with either the boss exploding or the boss completely gone as your score ticks up and your time ticks down with the jump and slash sub weapon shown in your item slot.

Castle Mania needs a shot of the iconic scene of Ryu standing on the rock looking at the castle.

There's a Bad Moon on the Rise needs a shot of you fighting the final boss after Jaquio. You DO NOT have to beat the boss, just show that you made it there.

Wolves, Lower needs a shot of you still in your wolf form after defeating any boss in the game. A picture of the boss exploding with you still as the wolf or a picture of you as the wolf with your fist raised are acceptable shots.

Legends of the Hidden Temple needs a shot of either the intro screen before you enter Stage 3 or a shot from anywhere inside the level.

Feel That Wind in Your Hair needs a shot of the ending/credits sequence.

Dressed for Success needs a shot of Arthur anywhere in the game wearing the gold armor and having the dagger weapon.

The Threat is Real needs a shot of the area at the beginning of Stage 5 with the two Red Arremers. They both have to be on the attack and not in their idle "thinking" pose.

Qu'est-ce que C'est needs a shot of Arthur beneath the final boss Loki throwing the Psycho Cannon weapon at his head.

Chumpty Dumpty needs a shot of Abobo in mid-air meeting his demise via falling into the hole.

Green and Bear It needs a shot of you performing a jump kick and it connecting with the green Abobo near the end of Mission 3. The shot MUST depict a connecting blow!

Red Carpet Massacre needs a shot of you fighting Willy, the machine gun toting boss at the end of Mission 4.

Medusa's OnlyFans needs a shot of those milkers.

Mode 7 Scaling, Baby! needs a shot of Simon hanging with his whip as the room is rotating in Block 4-2.

Déjà Vu needs a shot of Simon after you have entered Block 6-1.

If This Tower's a Rockin' needs a shot of John anywhere in stage 3-5.

Half Past a Monkey's Ass needs a shot of Eric standing next to the clock that's towards the center of the roof in stage 5-4. Note, only Eric can get to this spot using his high jump technique.

It's Just Not in the Cards needs a shot of either John or Eric in combat with the Grim Reaper while the Reaper has cards circling him.

You're Not Even Supposed to Be Here Today needs a shot of you playing as either Alucard, Grant, or Sypha in the first level of the game.

Under a Stone, Skin and Bone needs a shot of Trevor shaking Sypha's hand OR a shot of you in the process of recruiting her.

A Deal With the Devil's Son needs a shot of Trevor shaking Alucard's hand OR a shot of you in the process of recruiting him.

Stashed Away in Beautiful Mansions needs a shot of the dialogue box in game of you collecting Dracula's rib.

Quartz to Sapphire needs a shot of the dialogue box that pops up in game when you exchange the White Crystal for the Blue Crystal.

How Was I Supposed to Know to Do That?! needs a shot of you just below the surface of Yuba Lake after the screen has shifted down.

Glittering Prizes needs a shot of the hidden point treasure chest located in the second level.

Bomb the Living Bejeebers Out of Those Forces needs a shot of you in ANY boss room but you have to have the Fire Bomb (Holy Water) and a Triple Shot power-up.

Death Incarnate needs a shot of you in the room with the boss of Level 5, the Grim Reaper. I will allow you to combine this challenge with the Bomb the Living Bejeebers challenge if you choose to do so.

Super Power, the Power You Can Trust needs a shot of X wearing all four of the main upgrades you can find in the game: The helmet, the armor, the mega buster, and the boots.

Battle Plans needs a shot of the cinematic after defeating all the robot masters of X and Zero talking.

Down, Down Forward, Forward, SHOOT! needs a shot of X throwing a Hadouken OR X standing beside the capsule that provides it.

Duck tha Police needs a shot of Spider-Man crouching beside a knocked out police officer while behind Spidey a mugger tugs at an old woman's purse.

Friendly Neighborhood Photog needs a shot of the end level recap of the photos you took, one of which needs to be a shot of Venom.

"You're a Menace!" needs a shot of Spider-Man's idle stance standing in front of J. Jonah Jameson as he wags his finger in your face.

Hold Your Fire needs a shot of the stage results screen after defeating the boss where the stage bonus reads 0pts.

You Don't Box In a Mech needs a shot of you in the floating cage on the screen AFTER defeating the mid boss of the stage.

Boom! Shake the Room needs a shot of the credits sequence.

Dededededeeee I'm Lovin' It needs a shot of the Gourmet Race victory screen displaying a total time of LESS THAN two minutes.

Dream Land Recap needs a shot of the credits sequence in Spring Breeze after defeating Dedede OR a shot of Kirby holding up the sign that says "NEXT."

Falcone... PAWNCH! needs a shot of the Falcon Helmet in your inventory.

Dwarf Nuts Roasting needs a shot of Gilius, the dwarf, standing over the campfire with his legs spread apart at the climax of any level.

Beefy Barbarian needs a shot of Ax Battler, the blue barbarian, standing next to a dropped piece of meat anywhere in the game.

Iconic needs a shot of Tyris, the red amazon, positioned in front of the eagle head in stage 5, as seen in promotional advertisements for the game.

One Down, Seven to Go needs a shot of you holding a piece of the Triforce over your head in any labyrinth.

Master Using It... needs a shot of you with the White Sword in the "A" attack slot anywhere in the game.

I Just Blue Myself needs either a shot of you in the Blue Ring color palette OR a shot of the Blue Ring on the inventory screen.

It's a Secret to Everybody needs a shot of you standing on the Top Secret Area overworld tile OR a screenshot of you inside the Top Secret Area itself.

The Jolly, Candy-Like Button needs a shot of you standing directly next to the red switch inside the Red Switch Palace.

You Down With O.P. Yoshi? needs a shot of you anywhere in the game with Mario wearing a cape while riding a blue Yoshi that has wings.

Rock Hound needs a shot of the Chaos Emeralds screen with one emerald on it.

Mineral Show needs a shot of the "Sonic got them all" screen showing all emeralds in possession.

Jewel Master needs a shot of the ending scene with all the emeralds floating above Sonic OR the final shot of Robotnik smashing the end logo.