Wednesday, July 26, 2023

CGQ Challenge Game Archive

This is an archive of every game posted in the CGQ Challenge section of the CGQ Discord channel along with the in-depth clarification notes on how to successfully complete the challenges. They are presented in reverse chronological order with the latest game being at the top of the list.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Opening Old Sealed Games

This isn't even a Nerd World Problems article. This is just me angry about something.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Classic Doom: What's What

Recently I have seen discussions online about Doom, and it seems some people are confused for one reason or another about what each version of classic Doom is. Today I'm posting a quick cheat sheet that will hopefully answer any questions those people may have.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Compilation Compendium

Gamers are always looking to get the most value for their money. Usually this is accomplished by a game's length. Other times the easiest way to get the most out of your hard earned dork dollar is to invest in a game compilation. In today's feature, we're going to go through compilations for various systems and see what games they have to offer. Hoo boy.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Top 10 Favorite Tunes from the Castlevania Series

Halloween is tomorrow, and that means there's no better time to get into the Castlevania spirit! Today I'm going to share with you my top 10 favorite tunes from the series. Let's take a look.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Top 10 Least Favorite Doom Levels

I've been playing a lot of Doom lately, and I have found that there are some levels in the game that I absolutely don't like at all. So let's talk about that. Here are my personal top 10 levels from Ultimate Doom that I think are just terrible.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Why I Own 14 Copies of Dragon Warrior (And Counting)

Have you ever loved a thing so much you bought it every time you came across it? Probably not. That doesn't seem to be a very common thing that normal people do. Well, I own 14 copies of Dragon Warrior and counting, and by my own admission, that's not a normal thing to do. Maybe we should talk a bit about that today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Comic Haul 7/14 - ToyMan Show 2019

The ToyMan Show in Bridgeton, MO has been the convention I've been looking forward to the most. After the moderately disappointing Cape Con and the generally meh Free Comic Book Day, I was really hoping to come home with some incredible pieces. Let's take a look at this year's trip to the show.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Comic Haul 6/8 - Superman Celebration 2019

Last year this went up late, too. Not as late as this one. This one is going up over a month late because work has been especially awful lately and I haven't been motivated to do much of anything except lay on the couch and watch YouTube videos.

So what did I get? Let's find out.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Comic Haul 5/4 - Free Comic Book Day 2019

My yearly tradition of traveling to Evansville, IN for Free Comic Book Day continues! This year I hit up the usual spots as well as a few new ones. I didn't score anything too amazing, but I did get some stuff. Let's take a look.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Comic Haul 4/27 - Cape Con

Finally, it's here. My favorite comic convention of the year. Cape Con is the biggest local con I go to, and I normally come home with some pretty good stuff. Was this year as incredible as years past? You'll have to continue reading to find out!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Comic Haul 4/6 - Southern Illinois Comic Con

On Saturday, April 6th I attended the first comic convention of the year. Normally the Cape Comic Con is the first one for me, but this year there was a new one that had never been held before. It was in the small town of Benton, IL, and while it's not going to go down in history as the best comic convention I have ever been to, it was okay. Especially for the first year.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Proof of Youth: Monster in My Pocket

The other day I was looking at my Monster in My Pocket toys and I thought it would be a good subject for a new Proof of Youth article. Today let's briefly look at some Monster in My pocket toys from the early 90s.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Replacement Sega CD Cases

There's a common problem with Sega CD, Sega Saturn, and original long box PlayStation games: The cases are extremely fragile. Today I received some new cases in the mail to replace some of my more damaged ones, and I want to share with you my experience with them.

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Best YouTube Channel You Might Not Be Watching

Today I'm going to tell you a little bit about my current favorite YouTube channel. It's called Classic Gaming Quarterly, and if you're here, then I think you would really enjoy this channel and its incredible content. Let's take a look!